Friday, August 21, 2020

Sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche

Sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche Anticorpi enemies of antigeni onconeurali come strumento diagnostico di tumori maligni e sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche. Caratteristiche delle singole neurologiche paraneoplastiche. Le sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche sono stati patologici associati a tumori, riconoscono quindi un tumore maligno come il principale fattore eziologico, mama non sono patologicamente associati alla diretta azione del tumore. Nella grande maggioranza dei casi riconoscono una patogenesi autoimmunitaria e originano nel seeting di un tumore a differenziazione neuroendocrina. il modello comune della patogenesi di queste forme assunte unaberrante espressione di proteine specifiche per il sistema nervoso nel tumore a differenziazione neuroendocrina. A questo consegue una risposta an autoimmunitaria antitumore cross reattiva con antigeni neuronali del sistema nervoso centrale e periferico. I tumori dei pazienti affetti da sindrome neurologica paraneoplastica tendono promotion avere unevoluzione meno aggressiva rispetto agli analoghi tipi istologici di lavorazione generale di tumori e nel momento della diagnosi sono di regola limitati alle sedi primarie o ai linfonodi linfo regionali. La diagnosi neurologica go before la diagnosi oncologica nel 70% dei casi e in un certo numero di casi, around il 15% il tumore primario non puã ² essere diagnosticato. Non sarã solo dopo un certo beat, da settimane promotion anni. In una piccola percentuale di casi dalluno al 5%, il tumore non puã ² essere dimostrato per tutta la vita del paziente. peraltro nonostante la minore aggressivitã di tumori associati alle sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche la sopravvivenza di questi pazienti non à ¨ soddisfacente a causa del danno immune system irreversibile di vari organi sistema nervoso centrale e periferico che portano promotion una malattia disabilitante, poco trattabile e mortale.lunica strategia terapeutica effettiva e la rimozione del tumore e quindi anche del trigger autoimmunitario. Si puã ² quindi considerare come questo sottogruppo di pazienti il problema della diagnosi precoce del tumore associato à ¨ particolarmente urgente. Mama à ¨ particolarmente complesso sciogliere questo problema per la difficoltã che spesso limpossibilitã di diagnosticare I tumori associati alle sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche in uno stadio precoce dato che la natura paraneoplastica non à ¨ in realtã patognomonica per I singoli noti processi neurodegenerativi cerebrali scatenati. Anticorpi onconeurali nella diagnosi delle sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche e di tumori loro associati Gli anticorpi onconeurali sono rilevati nella maggioranza dei pazienti che presentano la sindrome neurologica paraneoplastica e correlati allo sviluppo di un tumore maligno che il paziente. Questa la principale distinzione fra le anticorpi onconeurali e gli anticorpi against neuronali di malattia immune system quale la miastenia gravis e la sindrome di Lambert-Eaton, o la neuro miotonia. queste ultime malattie hanno una trilogia sia paraneoplastica che neoplastica e gli anticorpi associati sono elevati in una comparabile frequenza tra questi due casi. In altro modo di desperate sono il diretto testimone ed effettore che la risposta immunologica antitumore e la risposta hostile to neuronale mentre quelli che chiamiamo auto anticorpi onconeurali sono il testimone primitivo della presenza di un tumore e di una risposta antitumorale, mama sono solo secondariamente responsabili dellattacco immune system al sistema nervoso. una sindrome neurologica paraneoplastica non à ¨ in genere sufficientemente specifica delocalizzazione del tumore mentre questa specificitã à ¨ maggiore, se il tumore primitivo non puã ² essere facilmente rintracciato, per gli specifici antigeni onconeurali induttori degli anticorpi. Questo permette di restringere larea di ricerca del tumore associato an una sindrome paraneoplastica. La descrizione degli anticorpi e antigeni ben caratterizzate riportate in tabella mentre la caratterizzazione clinica-laboratoristica delle sindromi cosiddette parzialmente caratterizzate à ¨ molto minore. In questo caso di anticorpi sono caratterizzati solo dalla colorazione di strutture neurologiche in immunoistochimica, mentre una possibile confermare la creativitã con specifici test in Western-smudge Anticorpi enemies of antigeni onconeurali come markers oncologici. Se la maggioranza gli articoli si sono focalizzati sulla reattivitã anticorpale promotion antigeni onconeurali nel sangue dei pazienti affetti da sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche, ci sono ora chiare evidenze gli stessi anticorpi sono predittore in primo luogo lesistenza e istiogenesi di un tumore, in secondo luogo della sua possibile localizzazione ed infine della presenza-tipo di sindrome neurologica paraneoplastica. Promotion esempio puã ² essere ricordato come si vede in tabella con il 20% dei pazienti con un tipo definito di tumore principalmente carcinoma a piccole cellule del polmone, sono sieropositivi per toll antigeni onconeurali. Alla stessa tabella si nota come tutti gli anticorpi onconeurali ben caratterizzati abbiano unelevata specificitã per la patologia onconeurali mentre il tipo numero di combinazione delle sindromi neurologiche paraneoplastiche partner non puã ² essere predetto dal design di sieroreattivitã degli antigeni onconeurali, advertisement escl usione degli antigeni espresse solamente nel cervelletto, reattivitã chiaramente associata solo con SCA.inoltre la presenza di pazienti sieropositivi in cui il tuo non puã ² essere rilevato anche dopo lunga osservazione riflette probabilmente non una sufficiente specificitã del test (bogus positivitã ) e mama una alta sensibilitã nella detenzione di foci microscopici di un tumore immunogenico. la loro presenza non puã ² essere considerata come un mero epifenomeno, cioã ¨, advertisement esempio riflettere sono un alto grado di necrosi apoptosi che con ulteriore iper esposizione di antigeni comuni a Sistema immunitario, mama si tratta di marker altamente specifici associati promotion uneffettiva risposta antitumorale e la loro presenza, anche nei casi di assenza della specifica sindrome neurologica paraneoplastica à ¨ correttamente correlata uno stato limitato nel tumore al momento del beat di diagnosi. Certo la sensibilitã del 20% non permette a questi test di essere considerati un marker diagnostico ogni nuovo e sufficientemente potenti. Nondimeno possono essere considerati un efficace punto di partenza per il disegno di un pannello diagnostico che possa comprendere altri markers e ulteriori test.unaltra sfera di applicazione in questi marker e la predizione della risposta clinica alla chemio terapia o radioterapie. I dati ottenuti finora, a questo riguardo, sono ancora non conclusi

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Writing Your Best College Application Essay

Writing Your Best College Application EssayWhen it comes to writing your best college application essay, you really have a lot of choice in what topic to write about. In fact, most students use their college application essays to try and demonstrate their ability to write well and be well thought out.Writing a college application essay can be an incredibly stressful experience for many students. It's easy to get carried away by what you want your essay to say, and forget the real point of your writing - and that is to be read. It's really important to make sure you set out to do this properly, otherwise you're likely to fail the essay writing process entirely.If you're struggling to come up with your best college application essay topics, you need to consider the kind of writing you're going to be doing. For example, a typical essay will normally have three parts. These would include an introduction, a body and then a conclusion. Of course, you can always start with a sectioned essay , where you tell the reader what the essay is about in a series of sections, and then move on to writing about a particular topic.If you are writing a whole essay, you should choose to go the long way around. This is because you'll then be able to structure your essay in a very logical manner. In other words, if you break your essay into three parts, you'll then be able to move on and write about each section in turn.As you look through your list of best college application essay topics, think about how you would structure your essay. There are certain themes which are often used to help students structure their essay.These are usually called the 'moods' of a student's essay. The main purpose of these is to provide a guide as to what sort of style you should adopt when writing your essay, and how best to structure it.Moods are therefore a great starting point for writing your essay, because you can use them to help you decide on the right subject, and the different areas you should cover. Of course, you can also break down each section of your essay, so that you can easily see how much space you should give each section of your essay.The most important thing to remember when you're looking at your essay topics is that you need to focus on what you are going to write about. Do not get carried away with all the different topic ideas, because they will not help you achieve your aim.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of Still I Rise By Maya Angelou - 917 Words

â€Å"Still I Rise† is an inspiring poem written by Maya Angelou, she delivers a powerful message from within to provide her African American ancestors an opportunity to rise above segregation and racism. Maya Angelou expresses her pride throughout the poem and describes different hardships in her past. Angelou incorporates her past experiences, powerful views, and over comings while also expressing the tone regarding her pride, feminist values, strong confidence, and close ties with African American ancestry to create a timeline of events that have allowed her to push forward in life despite obstacles from her and her ancestor’s past. Angelou is the speaker and the white race is the audience that has doubted her future and oppressed her†¦show more content†¦Angelou correlates hope for people with nature by saying, â€Å"Just like the moons and like suns†, they will always rise. â€Å"Angelou is an internationally renowned bestselling author, poet, a ctor, political activist, and first-year inductee into the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame† (McGraw). The first two lines in the fourth stanza are questions similar to line ones in stanza two. This may also mean â€Å"yes† to the question. Angelou’s idea of perseverance is well represented throughout the poem in a variety of ways, most being through the examples of oppression. For example Angelou writes, â€Å"Did you want to see me broken?† a deeper thought process could be meant with the intention to relate the word â€Å"broken,† to the actual breaking of an African American during actual slave days. The first line of the fifth stanza is a question like the first lines of stanzas earlier on in the poem. Similar to the questions in the beginning stanzas, the answer may again be â€Å"yes.† Imagery of wealth is present in this stanza. Angelou laughs like she actually has gold mines in her own backyard. Additionally, she uses imagery to symbolize wealth to show that she is happy. In the beginning three lines of the sixth stanza, Angelou uses physical actions to describe non-physical nouns in the meaning of the poem. The physical action expressed in the second line shows a metaphor to express the cutting with the eyes. In theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Still I Rise By Maya Angelou993 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscussed in class starting with Maya Angelou’s â€Å"Still I Rise.† Angelou starts off her poem stating, â€Å"You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies, you may trod me in the very dirt but still, like dust, I’ll rise.(Lines 1-4)† From these lines, Angelou speaks on the strength that African-American have each day. Blacks have been seen in history as an abomination, and their names have been dragged through the mud just because of their skin color. But Angelou tells people that none of thisRead MoreAnalysis Of Still I Rise By Maya Angelou1080 Words   |  5 Pagestougher and wiser. Still I rise is a poem written by Maya Angelou, an African American poet and a civil-rights activist. This poem was written around the civil rights movement, when people where being segregated by their race. Throughout this poem we are shown the thoughts and feelings people have displayed against her, but she will not let them get her down. Her dark past allows her to have strength and rise above the criticism where her ancestors fell to slavery. In poem Still I rise the main messageRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Still I Rise By Maya Angelou1959 Words   |  8 PagesMaya Angelou was a highly respected spokesperson for African Americans as well as for women of the twentieth century. She spoke on the behalf of all enslaved African Americans who suffered during the civil war. Most of her works are considered autobiographical because they contain many of her own experiences. She is a natural narrative writer that uses a lot of imagery and repetition in her poems.She has a great influence in the field of li terature as a woman’s activist. She has received numerousRead MoreStill I Rise by Maya Angelou Literary Analysis Essay756 Words   |  4 PagesIn the poem ‘Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou, the poet uses repetition, metaphors and similes to express to her audience about how she has overcome racism in her life through demonstrating a strong, proud and defiant attitude to inspire others. The poet uses repetition of the word ‘rise’ to show that she has overcome and risen above racism. In the line, ‘you may trod me in the very dirt but still, like dust ill rise’ it expresses to the reader one of the key ideas in her poem, that no matter howRead MoreUxt Task 1945 Words   |  4 PagesRunning head: Analysis of â€Å"Still I Rise† 1 Analysis of â€Å"Still I Rise† When reading, â€Å"Still I Rise†, by Maya Angelou, I immediately get a sense of perseverance and pride. The author seems to be addressing her adversaries directly through her words. I love the imagery used in this poem. I can almost see the dust rising and can feel the swelling of the black ocean that the author mentions. â€Å"Cause I walk like I got oil wells pumping in my living room†(Angelou, 1978), and, â€Å"Laugh like I’veRead MoreStill I Rise1705 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Still I Rise† Poem Analysis â€Å"Still I Rise† was written by Maya Angelou, who is an African-American poet. A majority of her poems are written on slavery and life as a African- American woman. â€Å"Still I Rise† is one of the many well known. She discusses how she is treated differently and refers to her ancestry and relates to events they went through during the time of slavery and the events she continues to go through during her time period of life. â€Å"This poem has been an inspiration to peopleRead MoreThe Importance of Determination Essay687 Words   |  3 Pagesovercome the obstacles that stand in their way. â€Å"Mother to Son† by Langston Hughes and â€Å"Still I Rise† by Maya Angelou are two different works written by two different authors yet they both convey the same message. Together, the two authors stress the significance of pushing harder when faced with conflicts rather than simply giving up. Using figurative language and repetition, Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou effectively emphasize this message in both of their poems. In both poems, both authorsRead MoreAnalysis of the poem Still I Rise1268 Words   |  6 Pages2014 An Analysis of the poem Still I Rise by Maya Angelou African Americans have been oppressed for centuries. Despite this discrimination, people of this race have fought hard for their freedom and respect. This pursuit of equality is evident inMaya Angelou’s poem, â€Å"Still I Rise†. Angelou integrates numerous literary ideas such as various sounds, poetry forms, and key concepts.The poetic devices incorporated in Maya Angelou’s work, â€Å"Still I Rise†,heightens theRead MoreMaya Angelou: Speak Up Essay example1127 Words   |  5 PagesMaya Angelou experienced a life-changing event at the vulnerable age of eight: her mother’s boyfriend raped her. As a result, she chose to be mute for five years due to the emotional trauma this caused. Soon, a family friend named Mrs. Flowers, a wealthy and intellectual woman from Stamps, Arkansas where her grandmother resided, read with Angelou and helped Maya to express herself through writing. Mrs. Flowers taught Maya â€Å"words mean more than what is set dow n on paper. It takes the human voiceRead MoreMaya Angelou: A Model Woman Through Influential Literature Essay1708 Words   |  7 Pagesinfluence on society itself. Maya Angelou is a great example of the model woman. She has beaten the odds and has become one of the most well known African American women of today. She is an author, poet, historian, songwriter, playwright, dancer, stage and screen producer, director, performer, singer, and civil rights activist. Her most influential work comes from her extraordinary books and poems. Her literature has influenced the young and old with their contents. Maya Angelous literary significance

Tools for Success Essay free essay sample

They also told us that there are many consequences for academic dishonesty, including expulsion, suspension, verbal warning, failing the course, and any other consequence that the university decides on. This workshop was very informative as it applies to every student on campus, and academic dishonesty could lead to many problems. The second workshop I attended was Undergraduate Academic Advising. They started by going over the procedure for picking out classes every semester. You should first look at your CAP to see what you program requirements are, meet with your advisor, and pick your classes using Course Wizard.They also gave us the new phone number for academic advising, since all the counselors merged to one office in the Mailman building. This workshop was helpful, but the lady presenting was giving out prizes during the presentation and giving out the prizes took more time she shouldve used. She spent about 15 minutes presenting, and the other 25 giving away prizes. We will write a custom essay sample on Tools for Success Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This workshop could have covered a lot more important information. The third workshop I attended was Winning at Math. This workshop gave us tips on how to succeed in our math courses and on our exams. The presenters were two math professors from our university.They talked about he different resources available, such as tutoring and DVDs available in the tutoring center. They also gave us tips on note taking and how to use different strategies to understand the material better. They said that even if the professor does not grade the homework assignments, we should still do them in order to prepare for the tests. This workshop would have been helpful if was struggling in math, but math is my strongest subject, so this workshop was not as helpful as the other workshops attended. The fourth workshop I attended was Stress Management. This was by far the most lawful workshop I attended.The presenter told us about different things that can cause stress, and made us fill out a questionnaire so we could see how much stress we have in our lives. She then told us about different symptoms associated with stress. These included fatigue, weaker immune system, lack of sleep, and change in eating habit, etc. She then gave us tips on how to be less stressed, such as doing work on time, and told us about resources on campus that we can use, such as the counseling center. Her workshop was the most helpful since was really stressed out this semester and I was able o use some of her tips to decrease my level of stress.The four Tools for Success workshops I attended were very informative. Was able to learn new information that I will try to use during the rest of my undergraduate years, as well as take with me for later in my life. I wish I had attended some of the other workshops, as am sure they would have been helpful too. Tools for Success was definitely a great resource and every student that attends this university should attend at least one workshop every semester. The information I learned in these workshops will help me be successful in all the courses I take.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Strategic Case Analysis of Dominos Pizza Essay Example

Strategic Case Analysis of Dominos Pizza Paper Last, the assignment provides the effectiveness of these measurement guidelines. This paper contains the environmental practices of Domino Pizza, Inc. Versus Pizza Hut, Inc. Stakeholders, customers, and members Of an organizations board Of directors expect executive leaders to balance the strategic fit of a company to what the environment wants and what the corporation has to offer. The expectation necessitates executives to strike a balance between what the corporation needs to what the environment can provide. The organizational lance involves both the internal and the external stakeholder. Environmental scanning allows an organization to identify possible external opportunities and threats, and look within the organizations internal environment for strengths and weaknesses (Whelan Hunger, 2010). The fast food culture in the united States has grown from a $6 billion-a-year industry in 1 970 to a massive corporate franchising empire earning more than $170 billion in annual revenue (Food Empowerment Project, 2010). Leading the way in the fast food culture is the pizzeria industry. The pizza industry is a highly competitive market. Although there are many pizza makers ranging from local pizzerias to international franchises, Dominos Pizza, Inc. , and Pizza Hut, Inc. Are two major restaurants within the industry. In 2009 Pizza Hut, lead the industry with 529 billion and 18% of pizza sales, whereas Dominos Pizza took 10% of this market with approximately $290 million in sales revenue (Young, 2009). The two competitors battle for consumer appetites, consumer dollars, and consumer attention. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Case Analysis of Dominos Pizza specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Case Analysis of Dominos Pizza specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Case Analysis of Dominos Pizza specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Before launching into a major marketing campaign, using valuable corporate sources each company implements a strategic plan with an analysis to identify the weaknesses and threats of their competitor. When Dominos conducted an organizational analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses, the company recognized their biggest strength is in name recognition, pizza delivery, and take-out pizza. The company understands the importance of brand image and further understands a strong brand image creates customer loyalty and helps the company when introducing new products into the market. Dominos enjoys a strong business network with franchise owners ND boasts a diversified franchise market. Because of the diversification and strong network capabilities with franchisees, Dominos can increase domestic and global market share, and increase sales opportunities. In contrast, Dominos weakness relates to a decline in domestic store sales affecting brand image and companys profits (Henry, 2010). Consequently, Dominos opportunity over competitors is their focus on pizza delivery services. Pizza delivery for Domino has improved operating effectiveness with minimized spending. Another opportunity for Dominos is the mobile device industry. Threats to Dominos include competition in the pizza delivery industry, consumer health awareness, and an increase of labor and food prices (Henry, 2010). On the other hand, Pizza Hut, Inc. Is the number one pizza manufacturer in the pizza industry enjoying strong brand image and recognition, and their organizational analysis revealed some of the same strengths as with Dominos. In addition to a strong brand name, their organizational strengths include a competitive advantage in developing a large network of full service pizza restaurants with delivery service, targeting efferent segments with a broad range of products, and a strong franchisee network. The organizational analysis shows Pizza Hut maintains high overhead costs with their full service restaurants, high cost of pizza products leading, and an internal conflict among franchisee owners. In contrast, the external environmental analysis reveals Pizza Huts opportunities remain in pricing by creating and offering innovative pizza selections, increased brand loyalty through good customer service, updating customer online ordering system, expanding home delivery services, and entering new markets. Threats, facing Pizza Hut come from Dominos Pizza as the number one competitor in delivery service. Because Pizza Hut boasts claims as the number one pizza manufacturer, the organization faces threats of competitors matching their products and imitating their strategy methods to gain market share (Scribed. Mom, 2012). The competitive advantage used by Dominos Pizza is in their delivery service market and the fact Dominos does not incur the overhead costs associated with sit-in dining restaurants. The competitive advantage Pizza Hut has over Dominos is in name recognition, rand- in-store dining, and a variety of menu selections. The external environmental factors used by each organization to determine environmental scanning and strategic planning are societal, task, and natural environment reports. Societal environment scanning influences long-term strategic planning and takes into consideration economic forces, technological forces, political-legal forces, and coloratura forces. Task environmental scanning involves remaining aware of the trends and changes within the respective industry, and natural environmental scanning involves those factors affecting he ecological system and how the organizations carbon footprint affects the ecological system (Whelan Hunger, 2010). Both Dominos and Pizza Hut value and understand the power Of the consumer and are attentive to trends affecting consumers. The business strategy applied by each organization focuses on the customer and making each operation more efficient. For instance, Dominos focus is on the fast-food side of the pizza industry and places emphasis on take-out and delivery services. Pizza Hut on the other hand, prefers to offer consumers the option of take-out, delivery, or dining-in. Each has created value with advantages of the Internet. With online ordering and delivery services offered by both, placing value on consumer personal time is a value added. However, Pizza Hut sustains a competitive advantage over Dominos with customer service, upgrading customer online ordering systems, expanding home delivery services (Whelan Hunger, 2010). Both restaurants use various advertising strategies as a measurement guideline to verify how their strategic effectiveness brings a return on investment. Both restaurants rely heavily on television advertising campaigns, which account or 92% of Pizza Huts paid media advertising, and 94% of Dominos paid media advertising (Young, 2009). In using social-media as a strategy, Pizza Hut implemented a broad-range of programs across social media outlets. According to reports, nearly 400,000 people view Pizza Hut advertising through social media. Dominos social media efforts, reaches 370,610 potential customers with both Dominos and Pizza Hut tripling their investment in online advertising. Dominos primarily promoted delivery service across a broad range of sites, including Amazon, Ask, Yahoo! , Namespace, Backbone, College Humor, Yellow Pages, and local newspaper sites. Pizza Hut used their key product calendar to push online sales, sending users to the companys website to place delivery orders targeting a younger and more female-skewed audience to sites, including Timeline, Cosmos Girl, Ell, Fandango, and Fox News. Each restaurant uses mobile device APS to reach consumers. Pizza Huts app allows customers to order menu items directly from their mobile devices by using an intuitive touch-screen interface. The Dominos mobile-ordering application is an phone optimized web app. By visiting Domino-corn, customers use an ordering system designed specifically for phones or an pod Touch. Dominos Pizza used an outdoor campaign, whereas Pizza Hut did not (Young, 2009). The effectiveness of the guidelines used by each company to measure their ability to grab the attention of consumers is in the tale of sales receipts. According to Young, Dominos use of TV ads directed toward recession-related advertising, and value-based offers showed good focus and resulted in a positive impact on traffic and sales. Their online and search activity supporting those promotions De to increased uptake with online delivery. A recent market share report ranked Dominos Pizza number one in online sales with an increase of 28% in market share, up from 1 1%. On the other hand, Pizza Huts use of smart media programs, particularly in social media did not increase sales. In fact, Pizza Hues receipts were down by 8% (Young, 2009). In conclusion, environmental scanning allows companies to dissect the competition to determine opportunities and threats allowing management to create a strategic plan to propel their organization in front of respective competitors.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

5 Tips for Creating a Resume Filename -TheJobNetwork

5 Tips for Creating a Resume Filename -TheJobNetwork You think you have your hands full with your resume, your cover letter, your application in general. So it may be crazy to  realize that when a future employer downloads your files to read, you’re then competing not with other applicants’ resumes, etc., but with their resume filenames. It’s true! The game starts as soon as you hit â€Å"send.† Here’s how to make sure you have a good filename for your resume.1. Include Your NameIt seems silly titling a file with your name when it’s your file in the first place, but always title your job materials as though you were titling it from the recipient’s point of view. You leave out your name, and your file is likely to be lost in the shuffle. Plus, having your name directly in the file means your name is being seen, even when the file isn’t being accessed! Anytime the recipient opens that folder or looks for another file, there’s your name.2. Keep It SnappyYou don’t want a run-on filename. Keep it under 24 characters and spaces- plus the .doc extension. Many computers only show the first 24 characters, so avoid getting elided or truncated on their screen.3. Follow the RulesLetters and numbers are all fine, plus a few standard keyboard symbols (not / or .) You can (and should) capitalize where correct; that’s particularly useful if you have a long name and need to omit spaces to save space. You can also use dashes.4. Include the Word â€Å"Resume†Just as your name is important, so is the descriptor of the file itself. John-Smith-Resume won’t win any poetry awards, but it just might get the job done. Remember, you won’t get anywhere if you name your resume â€Å"Resume† without any other identifying features- like your name!5. Leave Out the Version NumbersYour future employer doesn’t need to know that this is Carol’s Resume version 4. A simple Carol Jane Resume.doc will do- and much more elegantly.Bonu s tip: Always save and convert your resume into PDF for each new job you apply to. That will ensure that your formatting remains the same on any machine. And makes it easier to archive which versions of your resume you sent to which employers when.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

10 of the Most Unprofessional Work Behaviors

10 of the Most Unprofessional Work Behaviors Everyone has weak moments, where a panic moment or a lapse in judgment leads to workplace decisions we’re not especially proud to own. And unfortunately, if there are witnesses to said behavior, there could be whispers about your unprofessionalism that follow you around. However, if you know ahead of time where some of the danger zones lie, you can try to avoid being branded with a scarlet â€Å"U.† 1. Throwing other people under the busIt’s just never a good idea. You may see an opening to avoid blame or disapproval, but if it means offering up one of your colleagues, you’re better off not playing this game. If something truly isn’t your fault, you should stick up for yourself, but â€Å"he did it too!† didn’t work in elementary school, and it doesn’t work now.2. Taking shortcutsâ€Å"You want it done fast, or do you want it done right?† Always err on the side of completeness. If you rush to get things done, mistakes wil l emerge, and you’ll be known as someone who does shoddy work.3. Gossiping about coworkersTalking smack, even if it’s mild or true, may get you a laugh from a coworker in the short term, but it’ll also get you a reputation for being indiscreet and/or catty.4. Broadcasting personal opinionsFeeling the Bern? Itching to Make Donald Drumpf Again? Fantastic, take that passion and spend your personal time making cold calls for your favorite candidate. Don’t bring it into the office, or stand at the coffee machine telling everyone who’ll listen that the real birth certificate will vindicate your conspiracy theories. The workplace is a diverse environment, where everyone needs to get along harmoniously for a common purpose. That might mean staying publicly mum on hot-potato topics like politics or religion, even when you so totally disagree with someone on a personal issue.5. Ignoring boundaries with coworkersDon’t be that guy who has screaming matc hes on the phone with his wife in his open-plan cubicle. Don’t be the lady whose pungent microwaved leftovers permeate the whole office with a salmon-y smell. Or the guy whose cologne makes him a walking billboard for the Axe body spray you never want to smell again. Being oblivious to the senses of those around you can be a huge professionalism misstep.6. Biting the hand that feeds youOh, you don’t agree with every single decision your boss or the company makes? Neither does anyone else. That doesn’t mean you’re free to complain about the powers that be every chance you get. For serious grievances, take them to the appropriate channels (HR, your supervisor). For run-of-the-mill gripes, save those for your trusted confidantes outside of the office walls (spouse, cat, clergyperson). You don’t want to be known as the malcontent who hates this place, because it’ll become much easier to a) ignore your concerns; and b) ding you for not being a te am player.7. Mistaking work-social events for social-social eventsThe office party with an open bar is an open invitation, right? I mean, would your company offer drinks if they didn’t want you to get sloshed and have a good time? It’s a trap! Not an intentional one- at work-sponsored social events, your company probably does want you to have a good time. Within reason. Exercise moderation at these events, because no one respects the professionalism of the person holding beer #5 while loudly demanding that someone play â€Å"Freebird.†8. Monopolizing meetingsYou have ideas- excellent! So does everyone else in the room. The whole point of a meeting is to get different perspectives into a room together. When one person dominates that, others can feel marginalized or frustrated.9. Not following throughIf you promise something and don’t deliver once, it could be a fluke. If you routinely promise the stars and deliver C-level celebrities, it becomes a pattern of untrustworthiness.10. Using devices while talking to coworkersYou may think it looks like you’re a multitasking rockstar, but to you colleagues it looks like you’re giving the issue at hand half of your attention (at best).Your reputation is one of the most important professional tools you’ve got- and unlike your resume, which you can improve and revise with every new job, your rep is often beyond your control. If you do everything you can to make sure you’re putting forth the employee you want to be, that’s what others will see. The last thing you want is for a former boss or colleague to waffle (or worse, tell stories about your public failings) when asked for a reference.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Impact of Mobile Computing Technology on Traditional Mobile Dissertation

The Impact of Mobile Computing Technology on Traditional Mobile Telephony - Dissertation Example The researcher would like to thank his supervisor for guiding him at every step along with supporting him in the due process. The support and guidance of all professors has been phenomenal and commendable that enhanced the overall appeal of the research in a great manner. The researcher would also like to thank his University for offering great support in accessing the library and other electronic sources. All these helps proved to be beneficial in enhancing the overall beauty of the research. The researcher would also like to thank his family for all the support, care, cooperation that made it possible to put extra hours in order to come up with a desired piece of splendid research work. They acted as a source of motivation and pillar of strength that added value to the research. The help and support of friends in terms of sharing views and opinions broadened the overall mindset of the researcher along with thinking from different point of views. Overall, the researcher is thankful to everyone who played a direct and indirect role in enhancing the overall purpose of the research along with adding value to it through compassionate support and guidance. The researcher is full with gratitude towards them and wishes them all the best in their life. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 4 Chapter 1.Introduction 5 1.1Reserach Aim 8 1.2 Research Objectives 8 1.3 Research Questions 8 1.4 Rational for the Research Topic 9 1.5 Scope of the Research 10 1.6 Structure of the Research 11 1.7: Summary 13 Chapter 2.0 Literature Review 14 2.1 Introduction 14 2.2 Mobile Computing Technology 14 2.3 Expanding Networks and Opportunities 16 2.4 Mobile Computing Technology in the Modern World 17 2.5 Dawn of Mobile Computing Technology 19 2.6 Benefits of Mobile Computing Technology 21 2.7 Limitations of Mobile Computing Technology 22 2.8 future of Mobile Computing Technology 23 2.9 Summary 23 Chapter 3.0 Comparative Analysis of Nokia and Apple 24 3.1 Introduction 24 3.2 An Overview of Nokia 25 3.3 An Overview of Apple 26 3.4 Comparative Analysis of Nokia and Apple 27 3.5 An Analysis of iPhone and Nokia Lumia 34 3.6 Future Analysis of Nokia and Apple 35 3.7. Future Trends 36 3.8: Summary 37 Chapter 4.0 Research Methodology 38 4.1 Introduction 38 4.2 Research Philosophy 38 4.3 Research Approach 39 4.4 Research Strategy 40 4.5 Data Collection 40 4.6 Sampling 41 4.7 Sample Distribution 42 4.8 Questionnaire 43 4.9 Data Analysis 43 4.10 Ethical Considerations 43 4.11 Strengths of the Methodology 44 4.12 Limitations of the Methodology 44 4.13 Summary 45 Chapter 5 Findings and Analysis 46 5.1 Introduction 46 5.2 Questionnaire Analysis 46 5.3: Critical Analysis 56 Chapter 6 Discussion 58 6.1 Introduction 58 6.2 Summary 65 Chapter 7 Conclusion and Recommendations 66 7.1 Introduction 66 7.2 General Conclusions 66 7.3 Recommendations for Future Research 72 7.4 Recommendations for Apple and Nokia 74 7.5 Final Conclusion 76 References 77 Appendices 80 A: Questionnaire 80 B. Consent For m 82 ABSTRACT The importance of mobile computing technology in the success and development of mobile manufacturing organsiations is not a hidden fact. The research presents a thorough analysis of impact and influence of mobile computing technology on the success and development of organsiations like Apple and Nokia along with conducting a comparative analysis over their hardware and software

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Role of Managers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Role of Managers - Research Paper Example Different organizations have different management styles and organization cultures. There has been rapid innovation and changes in the field of management. The increasing technological changes and advancement along with whole new sets of concepts and working principles have made the task of management biggest challenge in today’s corporate world. FOUR JOB FUNCTIONS OF MANAGERS: The four job functions of managers are (Tripathi & Reddy, 2006): 1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Leading 4. Controlling Planning: The first element of the management and job function of managers is planning. It is the duty or responsibility of the manager to plan and set the goals and targets for the organization. Along with this function of planning also includes strategies and methods about how the goals and targets will be achieve. Hence, the two most important and critical elements of the planning function are: setting up of goals and targets and implementing the planning about the aims and objectives. Organizing: The second job function or responsibility of the managers is organizing. The responsibility for the organization of the company is placed on the managers. This responsibility or duty includes the organization of all resources including people or human resource. ... Leading: It is important to understand that there is difference between management and leadership. The management is associated with only managing the employees, ensuring that whether the task has been done on the right time, and that all policies and rules are followed. On the other hand the process leadership involves motivating and encouraging employees to perform well. Along with this the leader guides the employees in order to achieve the targets and goals of the company. An effective and efficient manager is one who is also able to lead the employees along with managing them. For this purpose it is essential for the manager to identify elements which motivates and encourage the employees. Controlling: The last job function of the manager is controlling. It includes the process of monitoring and evaluating the overall performance of the organization. This function is necessary in order to ensure that the overall organization is on the right track and is working to accomplish the goals and targets. Apart from this it is also the responsibility of the manager to do cost versus benefits or performance analysis for different projects and activities undertaken by the organization. KEYS TO SUCCESSFULLY CARRY OUT MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES: In order to be able to successfully carry out and fulfill the duties and responsibilities associated with managers it is required to understand the process of management. The mangers should be competent enough to perform all the required tasks and job functions. Management is not an easy task, it involves different responsibilities including, planning, controlling, leading, organizing, staffing, and many more. Managers have to understand that the task of management is basically a balancing act in which one has to balance several

Friday, January 24, 2020

Realism in the Movie, Training Day Essay -- Training Day Movie

"Realism in, art and literature, [is] an attempt to describe human behavior and surroundings or to represent figures and objects exactly as they act or appear in life" (Realism 1). During the 1840's through the 1890's realism was present in much of the literature from the United Sates and Europe. It has been said that realism is easily visible in many pieces of modern literature and even in present day films. In 2001, the movie Training Day was released into theaters. Many critics agreed that the movie was very realistic. In fact, the main actor Denzel Washington was presented with an academy award for his performance in Training Day. Training Day can be considered realistic, but many aspects of the film show little realism. The movie, Training Day, demonstrates how some police officers take advantage of their positions which is realistic. Mikkelsen states that, ?The new movie Training Day is an excellent fictional demonstration of how the State, in this case the police, provide a ?legalized channel for crime? (Mikkelsen 1).? It is hard to define the line between doing the right thing and doing the wrong thing to stop a crime. As Mikkelson explains, ?Many of the events are to be expected: violence against suspects, confiscation and use of drugs and especially money, violations of due process, graft (Mikkelsen 1).? At the end of the movie the main character is murdered and the police department makes up a story venerating his death in a positive manner. In all truth Harris was murdered by the Russians because he lost his temper and killed someone who was ?talking trash? about him. This is shown when Mikkelsen says, ?The state must defend cops, when possible, because publicity about ?bad cops? does not reflect well o... ...od and bad in life. Training Day scripted too much negativity into a movie that took place over only one day, and that is why it is not realistic. Work Cited Mahesh, Chitra. Entertainment: Training Day. 29 Sept. 2003. Mikkelsen, Anders. Training Day. 1 Nov. 2001. 29 Sept. 2003. Mr. Cranky?s rating: Training Day. 29 Sept. 2003. Parks, Matt. ?Training Day? Reviewed- The Violent Bear it Away. 16 Feb. 2002. 29 Sept. 2003. ?Realism (art and literature).? Encarta. Microsoft Corporation. MSN Learning and Research. 29 Sept. 2003.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Julius Caesar Editorial

On the day of March 15th, Rome lost an important civilian whose name was Julius Caesar. A group of conspirators lead by Cassius and Brutus planned Caesar’s killing for the good of Rome. They lead him into the capitol while Caesar was completely oblivious to what was going on. The men were discussing if Caesar would bring back Publius Cimber when Caesar became king. Caesar refused since his decisions weren’t easy to sway. This and all the hate they had build before drew the men to stab Caesar to death. The first being Casca and lastly Brutus while Caesar said the famous word â€Å"Et tu, Brute?† before dying.The conspirators then bathed their arms in Caesar’s blood and ran through the streets of Rome celebrating their victory. But was this act victorious? Some people would disagree with the conspirators; they believe Caesar was a good and loyal man to Rome and that they failed him by killing him. They believe someone who was that great could not be forgotte n easily or could have become the person the conspirators said he would. Which is why after his death there was a scandal in the streets. We can see this when plebeian said after Antony spoke greatly of Caesar â€Å"Marked ye his words?He would not take the crown. Therefore ’tis certain he was not ambitious. † Others believed that this ambition was dangerous; it would drive Caesar into a bad ruler, which was not in the interest of Rome. Therefore Brutus was better for the crown since he saved them from Caesar. Brutus said â€Å"not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. † Which people truly believed and hail Brutus for doing such honorable thing â€Å"Caesar’s better parts. Shall be crowned in Brutus! † What do I think? I believe Caesar’s death was unjust! No men should be penalized for something he will do.No one really this if these assumptions would have come true. So why pay the price when you have done something wrong? Ca esar possessed more good things about himself than bad, and Rome should focus on the facts of the good things he has done instead of the possibility of â€Å"too much ambition†. I believe Brutus and the conspirators say that what they did was honorable and for the good of everyone when really it was to satisfy themselves. Caesar never offended one of them personally; they kept feeding themselves on negatives ideas of Caesar that drove them to his assassination.Caesar was a good man and even if he had many flaws he is human, and all humans have a right to live! Especially, all humans have a chance to live if they have not done anything wrong. Antony shared these ideas when he said â€Å"Did this in Caesar seem ambitious? When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept. Ambition should be made of sterner stuff. Yet Brutus says he was ambitious, and Brutus is an honorable man†¦I thrice presented him a kingly crown, which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition? Caesar shou ld not have died like that and should have had a chance to prove them wrong.